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Every Home Owner Should Know About Pipes

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Posted on: 09/30/22

Were you aware that winterizing your plumbing system is nearly free and can save you potentially thousands of dollars of repairs. If this advice sounds appealing to you, then be sure to check out more of the expert advice given in this article. You will be much happier than if you had to deal with a water crisis during the middle of winter.

Before starting any plumbing project on your own be sure to do a great deal of research. There are many resources available to assist you in understanding your plumbing system and help you to avoid many common mistakes made by do-it-yourself novices. Reading about other peoples mistakes can make the difference of saving or losing money.

Do not put cooking oils, fat, or grease, down your drain. These fats cause clogs by solidifying in pipes. To properly dispose of fats, put them in a bowl with a lid that you can dispose of. Once it gets hard, throw it in the trash or compost bin.

If your toilet is slow to flush, add some white vinegar to the overflow tube. White vinegar helps the water from your tank to flow quickly, which will make the toilet flush faster. It is recommended that you use about a quart of the vinegar and let it stay there for at least an hour before flushing.

Check floors around toilets for softness, so you can tell if you have any floor damage. Sit in a reversed position, putting one foot on each side of the toilet and shift your weight from side to side to check if the floor feels slightly unstable. This will save you a lot of trouble and money if you find the issue before something horrible happens.

While it may seem like a seemingly harmless thing to do, never run potato peels through your garbage disposal. The chemical make up of this seemingly harmless food allows the potato to turn into a thick, viscous substance that can wreak havoc on the disposal itself, with the potential to render it completely useless.

Many people deal with clogged toilets. However, if your toilet will not flush every time, the water rises to the top, and there is bubbling effect occasionally, this can be due to a much deeper blockage in the main pipe. The main pipe must then be cleaned in order for your toilet to work properly.

Choose enzyme based cleaners if your pipes get clogged. Enzyme based cleaners use "good" bacteria to transform the clog into a liquid, which will remove it from pipes. Cleaners containing enzymes are some of the best you can buy.

Ensure your toilet does not have any leaks. A great way to do to this is to drop a couple of food coloring drops into your toilet tank. If colored water appears in your bowl soon after you put food coloring in the tank, your toilet is leaking. Fix leaks as soon as possible after you discover them.


If you have chrome or ceramic plumbing fixtures, be very careful when making any types of repairs. These types of finishes are very easily scratched, and they are expensive to get fixed. Be careful and exercise caution when dealing with these finishes. Consider if it may be better to hire a professional.

In conclusion, nobody wants to be caught off guard with plumbing issues especially in the cold winter time. Use the great advice in this article for some of the best ways to prevent pluming issues and stop them once they have started. Ideally, you will be able to understand the concepts provided here well enough to pass on to others.

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